Busy week for our HPS Eco Committee

Our HPS Eco Committee have had a very full week this week. Yesterday they gave a presentation to both the P1-3 and P4-7 assemblies on our Eco topic of Marine Life and the actions we are taking towards this topic as a school. They launched a campaign to reduce our plastic waste and introduced Waste Free Wednesdays. We would like to minimise single use plastics and encourage each other to use re-usable containers. The Eco committee will come round on Wednesdays and give out eco tokens that classes are using mostly reusable containers. The class with the most tokens by Easter will get a special prize! Today they met with Mrs Robertson, from our Board of Governors, to update her on all the work we are doing towards our Eco topics. Mrs Robertson thanked the committee for all their hard work for our school community.

Posted on February 2, 2024 and filed under Eco Club.