P4 MR FIELD: Dylan for excellent fracton work.

Oliver for super vertical sum work with exchanging.

P4 MRS MC KEOWN: Sam and Ben for excellent addition with exchanging work.

P4 MISS DOBBIN: Nico for excellent work on fractions

Heidi for excellent money work!

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS WILSON: Henry for great music

Ellen for bringing in really interesting fossils.

P5 MRS BROWN: Daniel and Annie for wonderful posters on mini beasts.

P6 MRS RIDDALL: Susanna and Grace for excellent posters for Victor Hazell’s party.

P6 MRS HART: Indie for neat and maticulous classwork.

Violet for excellent art work on her Victor Hazell poster.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Cooper and Ethan for putting alot of effort into their Iron Man storyboards, with great results.

P7 MRS HAMMOND:Charlie for a wonderful art piece based on Romero Brits.

P7 MR MC CONNELL: Casey for an excellent Iron Man story book.

Taylor for an excellent Iron Man story book.

Posted on October 20, 2023 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.