P4 MR FIELD: Lauren for excellent Northern Lights art.

Jessica for super estimating and always working hard.

P4 MISS MCDONALD : Sophie for fantastic polar bear art.

Kaylee for always working hard and giving 100% to her classwork.

P4 MRS MCKEOWN : Luca for contributing well to his team in weighing activity.

Zoe for lovely artwork with polar bear and Northern Lights back round.

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS WILSON: Joni for great answering during problem solving in maths.

Ryan for trying very hard and succeeding in completing his maths facts independently

P5 MRS BROWN: Olivia and Tom for writing super letters on Rosa Parks.

P6 MRS RIDDALL: Ryan for great contributions during WALT work.

Alanna for wonderful dividing work.

P6 MRS HART: Luca for great work on averages.

Caleb for continually working hard and answering more confidently in class.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Archie for always being kind and helpful and trying his best in all that he does.


P7 MRS FRANCIS: Chloe for a good internet safety poster.

Elsa for always being a resilient kind and caring member of the class.

P7 MR MC CONNELL: Catherine and Teigan for great posters promoting internet safety.

Posted on February 7, 2024 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.