P4 MRS McKEOWN: Eden & Penny for great work on telling the time an hour later.

P4 MRS SMITH & MRS HARRON: Grace & Ella for good work and good behaviour throughout P4 so far.

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS HARRON: Blake & Oscar for having a really good understanding of x6 tables facts.

P5 MRS BROWN: Iris & Rama for making a great start to TU multiplying sums.

P5 MRS WILSON: Lucas & Archie for working hard on converting units of measurement in maths.

P6 MRS RIDDALL: Meadow for great work on Times Tables Rock Stars. Emily for excellent work on decimals.

P6 MRS HART: Ollie for becoming more organised in class and for his continued excellent manners. Isabelle for her excellent work on fractions and decimals.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Jessica for great work on rounding to 10 and 100. Patrick for trying to improve presentation - keep going with this.

P7 MISS McGUILE: William, Luke & Evan - for working very hard to master problem solving strategies.

P7 MR McCONNELL: Abi for super detail in her sentence writing this week. Mia for excellent problem solving.

Posted on March 25, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.