P4 Mrs Gibson: Joshua for a fantastic WW2 helmet

P4 Mrs McKeown: Nina for great enthusiasm in our P4 dance.

Tom for great factual contributions to class discussions.

P4  Mrs Smith & Mrs Wilson Juliet and Jude for bringing Christmas sparkle to our concert rehearsals

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Wilson: Molly and Jack for taking part enthusiastically in our Christmas concert rehearsals.

P5 Mrs Brown: Poppy and Toby for taking part enthusiastically in our christmas concert rehearsals.

P6 Mrs Clarke & Mrs Heawood: Cooper for fantastic work on co-ordinates. Emmy for excellent understanding of pronouns.

P6 Mrs Hammond: Scarlett for writing a wonderful newspaper recount on the three pigs. Mark for always giving 100% in all Maths, English and topic activities.

P6 Mr McConnell: Erin and Skye for writing great newspaper reports on the three pigs and the big bad wolf. Both had great detail, good headlines and interviews in their accounts.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Riddall: Issac for excellent enthusiasm during mystery story writing lesson.

Flynn for making lovely designs using a compass.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart: Clara for excellent written English work across all subjects.

Louis for an expert construction of his decoupage box.

Posted on December 15, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.