Lights, camera, action!

Congratulations Sam! Sam entered a competition at the beginning of the summer. His application was successful and he was then interviewed before being selected to take part in a CBBC show, All Over The Workplace. He flew to England and spent four days filming the programme which follows two children learning all about a particular job. Sam's dream is to be a pilot which was the focus of this episode. He had the opportunity to take part in many amazing flying experiences which gave him great insight into the job. He absolutely loved the whole trip and it has definitely convinced him that this is a dream he wants to work hard towards pursuing.  He also loved learning about how TV programmes are made and meeting all the different people who work hard behind the scenes. He will remember this adventure for a very long time! We look forward to seeing the show on television in the coming months. WELL DONE SAM!

Posted on October 10, 2016 and filed under Superstars Outside School.