Pupils of Term 1

The boys and girls are taught to appreciate the importance that our school places on treating each other with kindness and supporting each other. That’s what the HPS team promote every day.

Well done to five pupils who have shown acts of kindness that were noted by various members of staff this term.

P3 Sam

Sam is always polite and helpful. Mrs Ruine noticed when he was particularly helpful and a kind friend when another child fell.  

P5  Lydia  &  Cara

Mrs Cornish wanted to acknowledge and thank Lydia and Cara for being very good friends to others.

P6  Emma

Emma has been so helpful during orchestra time. She quietly supports others to keep their place when they are playing their music pieces. Miss Riddell was very impressed by this!

P7  Blake

Blake works so conscientiously. He is so helpful each day in the classroom, completing additional tasks to help others without being asked. Well done Blake!




Posted on December 14, 2022 and filed under Success.