Merit Badge Winners 10 February

P5 MISS RIDDELL & MRS HARRON: Joshua for excellent work on the BFG with fantastic illustrations. Cade for good planning for Rosa Parks powerpoint.

P5 MRS BROWN: Joshua for giving super answers in this weeks comprehension. Emilia for working hard to learn tables.

P5 MRS WILSON: James for writing a great letter to Rosa Parks. Lucy for having lots of great discussions on ‘Thoughtful Thursday’ during Mental Health week.

P6 MRS RIDDALL: Jack for working hard to add detail to his comic strp. Alfie for very good comparative and superlative work.

P6 MRS HART: Ethan for constructing a fantastic Crannog from paper, card, straws and lollipop sticks. Noah for super concentration and excellent answers given during his proof reading tasks.

P7 MRS CLARKE & MRS HEAWOOD: Zac for super problem solving in maths. Lexi for working hard at division in maths.

P7 MISS McGUILE: Chloe and Annabelle for working hard at applying their times table knowledge to solve division sums.

P7 MR McCONNELL: Ronan for working hard at problem solving. Curtis for excellent maths work including making equivalent fractions and +/- fractions.

Posted on February 10, 2022 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.