Stars of the Week 5 September

P1 MRS FULTON: Rory settling in so quickly after moving over from Scotland and making new friends in P1.

P1: MRS ELLIOTT: Isla for sitting so well on the carpet and being a super listener.

P1: MISS ARMSTRONG: Abigail for brilliant listening and being so helpful.

P2: MRS HUNTER & MRS HEAWOOD: Charlie for working really hard in literacy and writing independent sentences.

P2: MRS MCGONIGLE: James for excellent listening and great independent work.

P2: MISS DOBBIN: Willow for being a lovely friend!

P3: MR ATCHESON: T.J. for great listening and working really hard in class. 

P3: MRS GIBSON: Eve for being very kind and helpful.

Posted on September 5, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.