Merit Badge Winners 23 May

 P4 Mr Eves

Bea for a very informative and funny talk on Harry Potter. 

Madison for a very detailed great presentation about Lego for her class talk. 

P4 Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith

Rob for preparing and presenting a super talk about Lego. 

Kaleb for great presentation of his class talk. 

P4 Mrs McKeown

Omar for being a great Moses in his class assembly.

Oskar for a very impressive class talk about Poland.Oskar spoke confidently with lots of facts and detail. 

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Curran

Megan for an excellent talk about G.B. 

James for an excellent talk about B.M.X. Biking. 

P5 Mr McConnell

Amy & Daanyaal  for excellent Nefertiti head pieces

P5 Mrs Brown

Hannah and Matthew for a lovely Cartouche. 

P6 Mrs Eves

Tia for always cleaning and washing equipment after craft work. 

Bryn for showing good sportsmanship in games. 

P6 Mrs Hart

Dawud for participating with enjoyment in the class cricket sessions. 

Elsa for a high standard of presentation in all areas of the curriculum. 

P7 Mrs Clarke

Charlie & Rishav for good work on a piece of formal writing on the Solar System. 

P7 Miss McGuile

Katie for settling in so well to HPS!

Christian for a wonderful drawing of Saturn using oil pastels. 


Posted on May 23, 2018 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.