Stars of the Week 10 May

P1  Mrs Fulton:  Even though Carl sometimes feels unwell, he is such a hard worker and never complains.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Emmy for super writing and number work.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Leah for always trying her best and being a caring friend.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Emily-Rose for always doing her best work and listening well.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Lucy for always trying her best!

P3 Mr Atcheson: William for super sorting of dinosaurs using Venn Diagrams.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Abbie for wonderful novel reading.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Jayden for trying hard to correctly name 2D and 3D shapes.

Posted on May 10, 2018 and filed under Stars of the Week.