Merit Badge Winners 25 April

P4 Mr Eves

Esme for great enthusiasm when participating in the Charity Day events.

Nathan for working very hard on his swimming technique and doing lots of widths in the pool.

P4 Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith

Lily for a very good demonstration of breast stroke during a recent Friday swimming session.

Logan for getting changed at swimming so much faster!

P4 Mrs McKeown

Minnie for a very enthusiastic contribution to the sports Charity Day.

Mason for making a great effort to skip which was one of the P4 group activities during the Charity Day.

P5 Miss Riddell & Mrs Curran

Ella for good work using speech marks.

Nathan for good reading.

P5 Mr McConnell

Thomas for always working hard and finishing work on time.

Matthew for making a great start to multiplying by tens!

P5 Mrs Brown

Jessica for joining in and working so hard at Zumba during the Charity Day.

Cameron for trying hard in all areas of the curriculum.

 P6 Mrs Eves

Jamie and Jacob for a good systematic approach to finding compound areas. 

P6 Mrs Hart

Luke for much improved effort and concentration when completing activities in class.

George for excellent work on compound areas.

P7 Mrs Clarke

Chloe for good work when completing maths activities involving angles.

Jeanie for working hard to use a protractor to measure angles accurately.

P7 Miss McGuile

Jack and Oliver for always participating enthusiastically in Reciprocal Reading lessons.


Posted on April 25, 2018 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.