Stars of the Week 1 February

P1 Mrs Donald: Leah always knows her reading words really well.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Evan for being able to help make the Story of 3 in number activities.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Louis for excellent dribbling skills during P.E.

P2 Miss Dobbin:  Abbie for always working hard!

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  George for speaking really well about Norther Ireland in Show & Tell. George was full of enthusiasm!

P2 Miss McGuile: Sophia for super double end sounds. Fabulous! 

P3 Mrs Gibson:  Jamie for working really hard. Mrs Gibson is so pleased with him.

P3 Miss McKeown: Arianna for excellent number work and mental maths skills. Well done!

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Toni for excellent writing when recording the scientific process of how her class made jelly.

Posted on February 1, 2017 and filed under Stars of the Week.