Merit Badge Winners 6 December

P4 Mr Eves

Hugo for settling in very well to his new school.

Claire for excellent research on WW2 when in the ICT Suite.

P4 Mrs McCartney & Mrs Smith

Arianna and Matthew for valuable contributions to their class retell of 'Bundle of Sticks.'

P4 Mrs McKeown

Steven for working hard on Tens and Units activities.

Tamara for trying to answer her reading activities in complete sentences. Well done!

P5 Mrs Curran

Alexander for great listening skills and for taking car over the presentation of her work.

Kyle for trying really hard to learn his multiplication facts.

P5 Mr McConnell

Ben and Nina took every effort to make excellent woodlouse investigation boxes.

P5 Mrs Brown

Erin for an amazing effort with her reading activities.

Joshua for a good woodlouse investigation.

P6 Mrs Eves

Keelan for excellent work converting between units of measurement.

Paige for working to improve her mental arithmetic.

P6 Mrs Hart

Taylor for excellent mental maths, she has learnt her facts fantastically and can recall them quickly.

Sophie for much improved presentation of written activities. Well done!

P7 Mrs Clarke

Sophie and Ella for writing great poems. 

P7 Miss McGuile

Ella and Jasmine for working very hard during ICT lessons and producing Wonderful Northern Ireland Brochures.

Posted on December 6, 2017 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.