Merit Badge Winners 16 September

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney

Erin for making a good start to P4 by showing good manners and working hard.

Thomas tries his best to complete his work and has good manners each day.

P4 Room 16 Mrs McKeown

Nina listens very carefully and tries her best to complete her work.

Cameron has worked very well in class and listens to instructions given.

P4 Room 8 Mr Eves

Amelia for producing excellent, neat and beautiful work in her ‘All About Me’ topic.

Ben for settling in to his new school and getting on so well with his new class mates.

P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Scarlett has settled very well into P5 Room 13, well done!

Anna has made a great effort in her first few weeks at Holywood PS.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Smokey has completed super work on problem solving this week.

Lottie has made a great effort to accurately complete problem solving activities.

P6 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Emily for settling in so well to her new school.

Abbie for writing an excellent dream blown into her room by the BFG.

P6 Room 10 Miss Riddell

Niamh for a super piece of research on Hadrian’s Wall.

Patrick for a great story about the B.F.G.’s dreams.

P7 Room 11 Mrs Eves

Harris for excellent work on Place Value, including presentation.

Susi for good contribution to class discussions on a topic about N.I.

P7 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Alison for being extremely helpful to others in the class, her teacher and other members of staff.

Harrison for excellent manners and consideration to others.

Posted on September 16, 2016 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.