Stars of the Week 28 September

P1 Mrs Donald: Martha for working hard to remember all the letters, sounds and reading words so far in Primary 1.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Caleb for being a very brave boy when he fell in the playground.

P1 Miss Armstrong: Esther always does her best and listens carefully.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Zoe for writing super sentences all by herself!

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Charlie for having lovely manners. He always remembers to  say please and Thank you.

P2 Miss McGuile: Hayden for writing super sentences using his sounds to spell.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Mariama for fantastic reading.

P3 Miss McKeown: Oskar for creating an amazing booklet full of animal facts and drawings. P3 loved reading it this week!

P3 Mrs Curran & Mrs Heawood:  Kirsty for always trying her best in all her work.

Posted on September 28, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.