Merit Badge Winners

May 13

P4 Room 15 Mrs Smith & Mrs McCartney

Erin for producing a fantastic Safe in the Sun poster using Pic Collage.

Kendal for her well designed and very informative Safe in the Sun poster.  

Room 16 Mrs Stewart

Nathaniel for fantastic work on symmetry. He concentrated so hard, well done!


P5 Room 13 Mr McConnell

Blayney for working at learning his times tables.

Kathryn for super adding and subtracting decimals.

P5 Room 14 Mrs Brown

Brodie for being a wonderful actor in his class Assembly..

Minori for playing her part in her class Assembly so well..

P6 Room 12 Mrs Hart

Harrison for being kind, considerate and patient with some members of the class.

Alison for being kind, considerate and patient with some members of the class.

P6 Room 11 Mrs Eves

James for good collaboration on his persuasive writing task.

Carter for good collaboration on his persuasive writing task.

P7 Room 9 Mrs Clarke

Reece for a great effort with his biography on William Wallace.

Phoebe for writing an interesting biography on Beatrix Potter.

P7 Room 10 Miss Riddell

Robbie for putting together a great trapezium.

Ethan for working hard on a biography of Walt Disney.

Posted on May 13, 2016 and filed under Merit Badge Winners.