Stars of the Week

April 14

P1 Mrs Wallace: Chloe for working really hard and getting her work finished quickly.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Tabitha for singing a beautiful song to the class.

P1 Mrs Maher: Logan for always trying his best and being so helpful and caring.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Madison for writing super, detailed sentences about her class trip to the Folk Museum.

P2 Mrs McGonigle:  Charlie for working hard on his number facts and the ways to make 9.

P2 Miss McGuile: Krish for fantastic spelling using his sounds.

P3 Mrs Gibson: Kayla for always trying really hard. Keep up the great work.

P3Miss McKeown: Ruby is always trying her very best and joining in enthusiastically in everything.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood:  Kyle for making a big effort to focus when completing his activities.

Posted on April 14, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.