Stars of the Week

P1 Mrs Wallace: Jake for working hard at his reading words and being a great helper.

P1 Mrs Elliott: Scarlett for being an excellent worker in everything she does.

P1 Mrs Maher: Bronagh for beautiful writing about her half term holidays.

P2 Miss Dobbin: Scott for writing lots of super words with a 'th' sound.

P2 Mrs McGonigle: Mariama for knowing her number facts really well.

P2 Miss McGuile: Reuben for always being very polite. Good boy Reuben!

P3 Mrs Gibson: Joshua for a fantastic piece of writing about his half term holidays.

P3 Miss McKeown: Ben for good sportsmanship and super fast running in P.E. Ben tries his best and encourages others.

P3 Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood: Holly for painting a beautiful aeroplane and always making Mrs Hunter & Mrs Heawood smile.

Posted on February 24, 2016 and filed under Stars of the Week.