Turn your engine off, prevent the cough!

Photo credit: Graham Baalham-Curry.


With the support of Ards and North Down Borough Council our P5 classes have been  involved in an initiative to raise awareness of how harmful emissions from idling vehicles outside schools are contributiong to air pollution particularly at drop off and pickup times.  The council has provided each class with resource packs which has helped to educate our children   egarding car idling which happens when car engines are running but not moving, usually for more than 10-20 seconds.       

Did you know...

Letting an engine tick over for a minute a day on the school run generates enough harmful gases to fill 150 balloons. If you extend that period of idling to 5 minutes, your car will emit enough fumes to fill 23 shipping containers!

Photo credit: Graham Baalham-Curry.

Each P5 class created posters about the initiative which were entered into the Council area competition.

Pupils from Room 8  were conducting an ‘Idling Survey’.

CONGRATULATIONS to Emmy , Fraser and Rudy who were presented with their prizes by the Mayor of Ards

Posted on June 6, 2022 .