Playful Nature

Last November as a school we participated in Outdoor Classroom Day, which was a nation wide push to take learning outdoors, we had great fun and the original plan had been to do this again this May 21st.

Although this is no longer possible Outdoor Classrooms have started an initiative called ‘Playful Nature’ to encourage pupils to still enjoy the outdoors safely and connect with nature within the current restrictions. They feel it is more important than ever for children to be able to do this to look after their wellbeing at this time.

They have invited us to dress up in nature and share our creations on the 21st of May. As a school we have broadened this our ‘Playful Nature’ week and would love to see some of the ways you are dressing up in nature and taking your learning outdoors. For more ideas check out:

Some of our pupils have already got stuck in and here are some beautiful floral crowns that some of our girls have made.

Email your photos of ‘Playful Nature’ to and we will post more on the website later in the week.

Posted on May 19, 2020 .