Earth Day

Today, the 22nd of April, is Earth Day, when people across the world think about how we can work together to make environmental changes to save our planet. Did you know this year is the 50th anniversary of celebrating Earth Day? It started in 1970!

As an Eco school for over ten years, we at H.P.S are committed to taking steps and changing our habits to help save our world, some of the things we have done in the last year has included replacing our plastic straws with metal ones and introducing Waste Free Wednesdays! We learnt how being an Eco warrior isn’t just for Eco club, it’s a whole school effort! As you think about how you can help the environment on Earth Day today and in the future, here is a link to an online quiz to see how Eco you are, it might make you think of ways you can help the environment even more!

Keep up the good work H.P.S Eco warriors!

Posted on April 22, 2020 .