If it's happening at HPS, it's happening on Twitter

Whenever something is happening at Holywood Primary, we tweet it. That way, you'll instantly know about and you won't have to visit the website to find to be reminded of events and special occasions. With a Twitter app on your phone, you can follow Holywood Primary School wherever you are.

How Do I Sign-up?

If you already have a Twitter account, just search for HolywoodPrimary and follow us.

If you haven't used Twitter before, just download the free Twitter app from your phone's app store.

Joining Twitter is easy. All you need to do is use the app or go to twitter.com, choose a name (it can be almost anything) add your name, email address and choose a password. That's it! 

To receive our tweets, you shoose to follow us; click Connect and search for HolywoodPrimary and choose Follow. That's it. When we add a new article to our website, you'll receive an alert on your Twitter account. 

Even if you don't have a smartphone, if you have a Twitter account, you can choose to receive the alerts as text messages - and there's no charge. Find out more about texts here

Please note that our Twitter account is used to send messages from school only. We won't receive your Tweets. Our Twitter account is designed for Parents, to help them keep them up-to-date with news and events.

Posted on September 6, 2018 .